Making & Using Hot Mix Lime Mortars

16marHela dagenMaking & Using Hot Mix Lime Mortars- Edinburgh


Another new course for our lovely building contractors and craftsmen. Have you been asked to make and use hot mixed lime mortars for conservation projects? Not yet? Well, you soon will be… there has been a growing interest in the truly traditional way of producing mortars – by mixing quicklime and sand together in one operation (and possibly with other materials and additions) and critically when it is appropriate to use them post production. Come and brush up your knowledge and skills and be able to sell more services in the building conservation industry. This one day workshop aims to provide an introductory guide to the preparation and use of’ hot mixed’ lime mortars, that is, mortars prepared by slaking quicklime, sand and natural hydraulic lime binders (and possibly other additives like tallow or pozzolans) to more closely mimic the appearance and technical performance of conservation mortars and in some cases offer advantages in use and technical performance over more conventional ‘cold mortars’. More and more clients and specifiers are asking building contractors to make and use ‘hot mixed’ mortars on their repair jobs, so get ahead of the game and brush up your knowledge and skills with us.

Calce Viva (Italian for ‘alive lime’ aka quicklime)



16 mars, 2018 Hela dagen(GMT+00:00)

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