Specifying Hot Mixed Mortars for Professionals
27marHela dagenSpecifying Hot Mixed Mortars for ProfessionalsEdinburgh Skottland
Another new for 2018… There is a growing resurgence in the interest of producing mortars in the truly traditional way, that is by combining quicklime and
Another new for 2018… There is a growing resurgence in the interest of producing mortars in the truly traditional way, that is by combining quicklime and sand (and other materials and additions) to make hot mixed lime mortars. These materials may also outperform both technically and aesthetically their modern ‘cold’ mortar equivalents. Come and learn with us the best practice issues in developing your skills to produce comprehensive specifications for the production and use of hot mixed mortars and communicate this effectively to your contractors. This one day workshop aims to provide an introductory guide to the preparation and use of’ hot mixed’ lime mortars, that is, mortars prepared by slaking quicklime, sand and natural hydraulic lime binders (and possibly other additives like tallow or pozzolans) to more closely mimic the appearance and technical performance of conservation mortars and in some cases offer advantages in use and technical performance over more conventional ‘cold mortars’
Calce Viva ! (Italian for ‘alive lime’ aka quicklime)
27 mars, 2018 Hela dagen(GMT+00:00)
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